Snooperscope infrared camera for iPhone apparently plagiarizes magazine from 1951 for no reason


Link to Kickstarter

Snooperscope promises a small, portable, and battery powered infrared camera that can be wirelessly connected to your phone and used to see in the dark or conduct a number of fun experiments with invisible light.

The product doesn’t seem that implausible, but the product description has a number of …quirks that make me worry.

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Hydrobee: Micro-hydrokinetic power for your phone


Link to Kickstarter Campaign

Energy harvesting is a buzzword that has been cropping up quite a bit recently.  Anything from hand-crank generators and solar panels  to yo-yos and TMNT Shredder masks can be potentially used to generate power for your mobile devices.  Of course, only some of these harvesters have made it to market because it turns out that there isn’t much energy in your yo-yo or lungs to be harvested.  So what about the local river?
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Setting the record straight with Vybe

Phew, it’s been a pretty crazy week for Drop Kicker, but fortunately the dust has settled, and we have a chance to clarify some of the misinformation that has been flying around the Vybe campaign.

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An email from a public relations company representing Vybe

I received this email today from one of Vybe’s PR companies who asked to not have their name shown as they do not want to be in any way associated with the Vybe campaign.


To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing in response to an article written by “Choof.” We (****** Agency) previously handled media relations for Vybe up until this afternoon. As one of three agencies contracted to work with Vybe I want to be clear that we did not, nor have we ever managed a Reddit account or campaign on behalf of a client. We have a zero tolerance policy regarding astro-turfing and do not associate with companies that employ the practice.

Our agency provided media relations services for Vybe only. This consisted of the drafting and distributing of a press release and media outreach. This afternoon we decided it was in our best interest to terminate our relationship with Vybe and founder Chris Stoikos, releasing the company from all contractual obligations.

I would like to point out the great respect our agency has for the media and assure you that we would never ask an outlet to remove a story or advise a client to do so either.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further by phone.


**** *****
vice president

A surprising telephone call from Vybe

Not 12 hours after I published an article discussing the Vybe campaign on Crowdtilt, I was surprised to receive a phone call from one of the project creators.


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Vybe abuses crowd funding to become middle men and charge backers twice what they’d pay elsewhere



Link to Crowdtilt campaign

Oh boy! Another wrist-mounted gadget!  What’s this one do?

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Angel project update demonstrates heart rate monitoring


The Angel health monitor team released a video demonstrating a prototype this week, but we’re not exactly impressed.

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TellSpec food analyzer


Link to Indiegogo campaign.

So what’s in that Twinkie? Sure, there’s the familiar fat and sugar, but what about the thiamine mononitrate? riboflavin? anything else?  Most people choose to rely on the food labels mandated by the FDA to find out what’s in their food, but the folks at TellSpec claim that they have a better solution.

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Everything is For Everyone

vertical farming

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Angel wearable health sensor


Link to Indiegogo campaign.

Of the many fitness trackers we’ve seen on crowdfunding sites such as the Misfit Shine, and …FitBark, none have offered concrete health benefits beyond the general data logging that gives you some idea of how active you’ve been and if it’s okay to get the Value Size fries.

In addition to fitness and performance tracking, the new “Angel” project plans to actually save lives.
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